About Us

The Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe was established in April 2003 as a regional group of the International Association of Paediatric Nursing, to bring together professional organizations for nurses working with children and young people in Europe.

This regional group will adopt the same goals and purposes of the International Association of Paediatric Nursing, but will use them in the European context. These are to:

enhance the care of children and adolescents worldwide

use the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child to promote and advocate for the health, wellbeing/welfare and development of children

encourage communication between paediatric nurses to help further the care of all children

PNAE Position Statements

This section contains useful documents from the PNAE on matters relating to paediatric nursing.

PNAE Members

European Association for Children in Hospital


Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe

PNAE – Operating

Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe

PNAE – Meeting notes, presentations and documents