Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe
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PNAE meetings and documents
PNAE surveys
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6th PNAE Congress 2023
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PNAE meetings and documents
All the notes, presentation and documents from PNAE meetings
PNAE Term of Reference – September 2023
PNAE – Operating Procedures
44th PNAE meeting (October 2024): Istanbul, Turkey
44th PNAE meeting Action Grid and notes 17th-18th October 2024 Fina
Welcome 44th PNAE Meeting
PNAE Presentation from Turkey (1)
PNAE Presentation from Turkey-SANERC
NEW PNAE Co-Ordinator Role
Health Service in the School-Proposal
Social Media & PNAE
The BIG PNAE Documentary Review 2024
Adverse Children Experiences_ Survey from Wales and England
Update 7th PNAE Congress-France
Update 7th PNAE Congress-France
43rd PNAE meeting (May 2024): videoconference
43rd PNAE meeting Action Grid and notes 15th May 2024 Final
PNAE Presentation from Iceland
PNAE AEEP Presentation from Spain
Feedback from 6th PNAE Congress
6th PNAE Congress Satisfaction Survey
43rd PNAE meeting-point 10 K. De Winter
Proposal for new PNAE Survey
42nd PNAE meeting (September 2023): Rome, Italy
PNAE Action Grid and notes 42nd meeting hosted in person by Italy 27th September 2023 Final
SITRA 2023_engID
Presentation SFRI AND Research Unit 20230926
Nursing in Italy20230926bis
Point 8 PNAE meeting 27 september 2023last
&th PNAE Congress updateFINAL
41st PNAE meeting (May 2023): Videoconference
41st PNAE notes and Action Grid
PNAE, Swedish nurse education in pediatric care
All country update 41° PNAE meeting
6 th PNAE Congress Organization update
PNAE TOR Update20230510
40th PNAE meeting (October 2022): Ostend, Belgium
40th PNAE notes and A
ction Grid
PNAE, update about Covid-19 and Ukraine-paediatric nursing across Europe
Nurses and Paediatric Nursing in Belgium
Paediatric Nursing in Belgium_PNAE presentation
Long Covid in Children
Staffing and Impact of workload
PEWS European Survey
MOCHA Recommendations
6th PNAE Congress Organization update
Demand Driven Implementation Management
39th PNAE meeting (May 2022): Videoconference
39th PNAE notes and Action Grid
PNAE, update about Covid-19 and Ukraine-paediatric nursing across Europe
Norway PNAE presentation
NICU care adapted to infant and parents
38th PNAE meeting (October 2021): Videoconference
38th PNAE notes and Action Plan
PNAE, update about Covid-19 and paediatric nursing across Europe
Nottingham Children’s Hospital, PNAE presentation
Video from Nottingham Children’s Hospital
Bedside PEWS survey across Europe
37th PNAE meeting (May 2021): Videoconference
PNAE Action Plan 37° meeting 20th May 2021
PNAE Notes of 37th Meeting online 20th May 2021 (final)
PNAE Position statement Protection Safeguarding children and young people
Update 2 Covid in Children across Europe
Estonian Nursing Union
Nursing Education in Estonia
Paediatric care in Estonia
2023 Rome PNAE Congress
PNAE website Criteria update
Proposal for Community care Survey
36th PNAE meeting (October 2020): Videoconference
Notes & Action points 36th online meeting Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe
Pediatric nursing in Slovenia
The impact of Covid 19 on children and young people across Europe
5°PNAE Congress update
NEW PNAE website
European PEWS survey
35th PNAE meeting (June 2020): Videoconference
Notes 35rd online meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 35rd online meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
PNAE – Update of Terms of Reference (2020)
PNAE website, from RCN to FNOPI
A new logo for PNAE
PNAE – Priority Exercise (2020)
34th PNAE meeting (October 2019): Zadar, Croatia
The Greek Proposal – presentation
PNAE Survey “Advanced Nursing Practice in paediatric settings arcoss Europe”
PNAE Survey “Paediatric Education Programs” – Katrin De winter
Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) – Catherine Sheridan
Protection and Safeguarding Children and Young People – presentation
A new PNAE Webpage Update – Immacolata Dall’Oglio
FINAL Notes of 34° Meeting
Action points from 34 PNAE meeting
33rd PNAE meeting (May 2019): Madeira, Portugal
Notes 33rd meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 33rd meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
32nd PNAE meeting (October 2018): Prague, Czech Republic
Notes 32nd meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
31st PNAE meeting (May 2018): Athens, Greece
Notes 31st meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 31st meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
30th PNAE meeting (October 2017): Reykjavik, Iceland
Notes 30th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 30th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
The effectiveness of advanced paediatric family nursing practice by Sólrún W. Kamban and Elísabet Konráðsdóttir
Childhood cancer survivors – new follow-up clinic in Iceland by Vigdís H. Viggósdóttir
Neonatal clinic – outpatient part of the NICU by Rakel B. Jónsdóttir
Update of Paediatric Nursing in Iceland by Karítas Gunnarsdóttir
Models of Child Health Appraised (MOCHA) project by Maria Brenner
Palliative nursing care of children and young people across Europe summary of key findings
Congress 1st and 2nd of June 2018 in Athens by Vasiliki Matziou
29th PNAE Meeting (April 2017): Naples, Italy
Notes 29th Meeting Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe
Action points 27th Meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe
Invitation to 4th PNAE Congress on Paediatric Nursing – Greece
28th PNAE meeting (December 2016): Paris, France
Notes 28th Meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 28th Meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Pediatric Nurse/Child and Young People’s Nurse (CYPN): context in France by Sébastien Colson
Adolescents with type one diabetes by Sébastien Colson
WHO Nursing and Midwifery public health collaborating centre by Wendy Nicholson
Panjo by Augusta Bonnard
Palliative nursing care of children and young people across Europe by Fiona Smith
Paediatric nurses role in parenting support in France: a professional literature review from 2009 to 2015 by Madeleine Collombier
Community nursing of children and young people by Fiona Smith
Home care ventilation of children and young people across Europe by Ivona Mikulenkova and Fiona Smith
27th PNAE meeting (May 2016): Porto, Portugal
Notes 27th Meeting Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe
Action points 27th Meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe
Invitation to 4th PNAE Congress on Paediatric Nursing
Greece Invites: 4th PNAE Congress on Paediatric Nursing
Nursing School of Porto
Home care ventilation of children and young people across Europe: Summary of key findings
Community nursing of children and young people: Results of postal survey in December 2015
26th PNAE meeting (November 2015): Athens, Greece
Notes 26th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 26th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Update of paediatric nursing in Greece by Barbara Boutopoulou
Panagiotis and Aglaia Kyriakou General Children’s Hospital, Greece
Evaluating the needs children with cancer have using the interactive tool ‘SISOM’ by Andriani Stamoulara and Vasiliki Matziou
Transition from children’s services to adult services across Europe by Fiona Smith
Position statement: Paediatric and neonatal service and clinical quality indicators
Competences of the Clinical Nurse specialist: Common plinth of competences for the Common Training Framework of each specialty by Fiona Smith
Investigation of neuropeptides levels of pain after painful procedures in neonatal intensive care units by Christina Dionisakopoulou
25th PNAE meeting (June 2015): Rome, Italy
Notes 25th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 25th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Update of Paediatric Nursing in Italy
Home ventilation for children across Europe by Ivona Mikulenkova
CanMeds Roles Framework by Caroline Roberts Quast
24th PNAE meeting (November 2014): Porto, Portugal
Notes 24th meeting Padiatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 24th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Update on Paediatric Nursing in Portugal
Update on Future PNAE Congresses
RN4CAST, Recruitment and Competence of Nurses
Promoting collaborative children’s nursing research
Nursing staffing and education and hospital mortality
23rd PNAE meeting (April 2014): Oslo, Norway
Notes 23rd meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 23rd meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Family presence in paediatric and neonatal areas: Summary of findings
Position statement: Family presence in paediatric and neonatal areas
Child euthanasia law in Belgium by Karen Vansteenkiste and Katrin De Winter
Learning outcomes by Katrin De Winter
22nd PNAE meeting (November 2013): Prague, Czech Republic
Notes 22nd Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Actions points 22nd meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Nursing and paediatric care in the Czech Republic by Veronika Di Cara
Family presence in paediatric and neonatal units across Europe by Fiona Smith
21st PNAE meeting (June 2013): Glasglow, Scotland
Notes 21st meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 21st meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Children’s Nursing in the United Kingdom by Fiona Smith
Clinical support roles in paediatrics and neonatal settings across Europe by Fiona Smith
Future PNAE Congress by Fiona Smith
Organising a PNAE meeting – general information and guidelines
20th PNAE meeting (November 2012): Amsterdam, Netherlands
Notes 20th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Position statement to specifiy specific recruitment, selection and training for support roles within neonatal and paediatric areas
Family paediatric nursing in Germany by Frauke Leupold
19th PNAE meeting (March 2012): Hanover, Germany
Notes 19th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 19th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Update of Paediatric Nursing in Germany by Frauke Leupold
Treatment and education of children with Type 1 Diabetes and their parents by Sarah Blasig
Position statement: Patient Safety Medication Error
Position statement: Code of ethics for paediatrics
Regulation and re-validation survey
Position statement: Re registration and continuing professional development
The European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants
18th PNAE meeting (November 2011): Belgrade, Serbia
Notes 18th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 18th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Child Friendly Health Care Guidelines
Child and Family-Centered Health Care Initiative in Serbia
Position statement: Patient Safety Medication Errors
Peadiatric Nurses across Europe: Education and registration by Fiona Smith
Code of Ethics for Paediatrics by Konstantinos Petsios
1st PNAE Congress on Paediatric Nursing by Konstantinos Petsios and Vasiliki Matziou
17th PNAE meeting (March 2011): Ljubljana, Slovenia
Notes 17th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 17th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
PNAE Congress
Position statement: Patient Safety Medication Errors
Peadiatric Nurses across Europe: Education and registration by Fiona Smith
Paediatric Nurses across Europe – re-registration and continuing professional development by Fiona Smith
Position statement: Code of Ethics for Paediatrics
16th PNAE meeting (October 2010): Copenhagen, Denmark
Notes 16th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 16th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
15th PNAE meeting (March 2010): Vienna, Austria
Notes 15th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 15th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
The Paediatric Nursing Association of Austria (Berufsverband Kinderkrankenpflege Osterreich)
Update on Paediatric Nursing in Austria
Position statement: Patient safety medication errors
FINE Programme and FINE Lisbon Conference by Maria Ostir
Nurse Education Programme (Serbia) by Dijana Otasevic
Code of Ethics for Paediatric Nurses
EQF presentations
14th PNAE meeting (November 2009): Zagreb, Croatia
Notes 14th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 14th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
13th PNAE meeting (March 2009): London, United Kingdom
Notes 13th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 13th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
12th PNAE meeting (November 2008): Stockholm, Sweden
Notes 12th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 12th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
11th PNAE meeting (March 2008): Brussels, Belgium
Notes 11th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
Action points 11th meeting of the Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
10th PNAE meeting (August 2007): Athens, Greece
Notes 10th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
9th PNAE meeting (March 2007): Dublin, Ireland
Notes 9th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
8th PNAE meeting (November 2006): Rome, Italy
Notes 8th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
7th PNAE meeting (March 2006): Athens, Greece
Notes 7th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
6th PNAE meeting (October 2005): Copenhagen, Denmark
Notes 6th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
5th PNAE meeting (April 2005): Rotterdam, Netherlands
5th PNAE meeting (April 2005): Rotterdam, Netherlands
4th PNAE meeting (September 2004): York, England
Notes 4th meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
3rd PNAE meeting (March 2004): London, England
Notes 3rd meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
2nd PNAE meeting (September 2003): Glasglow, Scotland
Notes 2nd meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe
1st PNAE meeting (May 2003): Rotterdam, Netherlands
Notes 1st meeting Paediatric Nursing Association of Europe